Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reaching the Middle Ages

I've decided to write a little on becoming, well, middle-aged. All of a sudden it's decided to smack me right in the face. My own father decided to comment in my birthday card this past year "47 years old, WOW!" Thanks, Dad!! I know I'm a Grandma, but I've been able to blame that on my husband. "Our" kids are the product of his first marriage and since he's 9 years older than me, it just made me a young grandma. Which I should add, that I love being, perhaps that's a sign of age for me. But, I have to admit there have been other signs. Young men have started giving up their seats for me when the bus is crowded, WITHOUT trying to pick me up. People tell me I look like my mother, failing to add "25 years ago" or "when she was younger" I've finally given up wearing my contacts because I couldn't get used to the bifocal ones and the need for readers has become constant as my arms don't stretch across the room. But, the real kicker came when my husband decided he wanted John Lennon style eyeglasses and the people working at the optometrist office were clueless as to what he was talking about. Only then did I realize it has been 29 years since John was murdered and the young people waiting on him weren't even born yet when the event took place. I guess in our minds, he stopped aging at 40, but we sure didn't.

This started my mind thinking about all kinds of crazy things. Like, why do I like the music in most prime time commercials now and the Superbowl entertainment has become AWESOME in the past few years...yikes, I'm part of the mainstream. And, who the heck are these people on New Year's Rockin' Eve?!? I guess I'm not as cool as I used to be either! I also now remember things such as when cable was a luxury. When MTV came on the air and did nothing else but play videos. I also remember buying my music on vinyl albums and I still miss album art!! I know, downloads have pictures, but they are just too small!! There was nothing better than laying on the floor, headphones on, listening to records and checking out the album covers.

Yes, times have changed and I'm doing my best to change with them. I've got a wireless network at home so I can be mobile with my laptop. We don't look at a map anymore, we've got a GPS to guide us. I've also got an ipod so I can download my music too. I've also figured out that kids don't know how to answer phones, but send a text and you'll get a reply immediately. But, what's frightening is that I remember the world before we had any of these things. So you young ones, watch for the little signs!! It WILL happen you one day.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you're still a hipper beach goer than some some young people that shall remain nameless....
